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Free Online Emergency Management Courses

The key word is "Free."

Columbia Regional Learning Center has launched a new Learning Management System! The CRLC provides free, online certificate training courses, webinars, and lectures designed for individuals working in health systems including, but not limited to: health care, public health, home health, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), community health, regional learning centers, and emergency management. 


See their catalog for a list of all courses which includes:

* PREP 1110 - Personal Emergency Preparedness: Planning for the Public Health Worker

* PREP 2102/ENVI 2701 - Chem Rad Bio: Fundamentals for the Public Health Workforce

* MGMT 1201- Elements of Leadership: Decision-Making & Problem-Solving Under Emergency Conditions

* EPI 3404 - Spatial Approaches to Disaster Epidemiology: Dr. Snow Meets the Rev. Bayes

* VUL 2605/ PSY 2902 - State of the Science: The Health and Mental Health Consequences of Catastrophic Events


Irwin Redlener shared this information.