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Public Health and the Response to the Pandemic

A short interview on what I've seen.

Earlier in the current pandemic I was interviewed about my thoughts on our public health response to COVID-19 and the connection to emergency management.  I did this as an emergency management advisor to the National Health Security Preparedness Index. You can view that 14-minute interview at NHSPI Now: Glen Mays & Eric .

Here's the description:

The “NHSPI Now” video series features discussions about emergency management, health security, and the 2020 Preparedness Index. You can watch them all at

In this episode, Glen Mays and Eric Holdeman discuss how COVID-19 has affected preparedness, ideas on how to improve health security, ways the Index can establish connections across key sectors, and much more.

Glen Mays is the director of the NHSPI Program Office and chair of the Department of Health, Management, and Policy at the Colorado School of Public Health. Eric Holdeman is the director of the Center for Regional Disaster Resilience.

Eric Holdeman is a contributing writer for Emergency Management magazine and is the former director of the King County, Wash., Office of Emergency Management.