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Reading, Pa., to Roll Out Mobile App for Non-Emergency Issues

The Reading 311 app will enable residents to report issues with specific locations, such as dumping, damaged street signs and potholes. They can also get push notifications with official announcements on their smartphones.

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(TNS) - Residents of Reading can soon use a new mobile application to report non-emergency issues and make requests.

"Reading 311 is our new mobile application for citizen engagement and reporting on issues needing to be remediated by the city," Jamar Kelly, finance and deputy city managing director, said Monday at a City Council meeting.

The app is expected to go live this month, he noted, and will replace the iRequest app, discontinued last month.

Residents will be alerted to the change via a media campaign that will include billboards and social media posts, Kelly said.

The Reading 311 app will enable residents to report issues with specific locations, such as dumping, damaged street signs and potholes. They can also get push notifications with official announcements on their smartphones, contact the city's Citizens Service Center and more.

"We understand the importance of efficient communication and service delivery, and we are diligently working to ensure a seamless transition to a new app," officials said.

In the meantime, service requests and inquiries can be made by calling the Citizens Service Center at 877-727-3234 or emailing


©2024 the Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.)
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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