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As Hurricane Beryl approaches the Gulf Coast, today is the last day for Texans to make preparations for the coming storm. Beryl is a determined storm with winds and potential flooding posing a serious threat.
A study that looked at the results of an online learning fatigue management system on Seattle Police Department employees found that PTSD symptoms, as well as rates of depression and anxiety, were reduced by the training.
Residents can prepare for a possible wildfire evacuation or a pre-evacuation warning by gathering important supplies and documents and making their home as fire-resistant as possible through these guidelines.
The state increased the EOC readiness to level II, signifying the potential severity of Hurricane Beryl's impact on Texas. “Texas continues to closely monitor weather conditions to protect the safety and well-being of Texans.”
Flood waters have damaged Eastwick homes, businesses and infrastructure over the years, leaving local officials and neighborhood groups scrambling for solutions through proposals of structural engineering or community relocation.
Fire officials have continued to warn that once vegetation fully dries out — typically by midsummer — wildfires could really ramp up, given the profusion of grass and brush that grew after two winters with heavy precipitation.
The video and online tool use data from the U.S. Geological Survey's Coastal Storm Modeling System to model flooding impacts under various storm surge and high-tide scenarios. The program was developed by Virtual Planet.
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Preparedness Ambassadors Program is aimed at reaching parents and communities through the education of elementary school students.
As of Monday, vehicles were being turned around at the park’s only entry along the Parks Highway, park tour and transit buses were canceled, and public facilities including the visitor center were closed.
The police station and the new communications center cost more than $8 million total. The largest source of funding came from the Police Department's CARES Act funds, which provided $3.4 million for the construction of the new space.
Ransomware attacks threaten the data of millions of patients as well as the health of those patients if hospital systems are compromised and shut down.
In March 2020, a law was passed permitting education facilities to use these locking systems on doors, but it was not clear if the law applied to facilities whose primary purpose is child care.
Attendees of the event were able to put their training into practice, by learning how to deploy a fire shelter in case of entrapment — a life-threatening situation where emergency personnel cannot escape the fire.
The university’s police department is switching to a P25-compliant digital simulcast system after experiencing difficulties with coverage when communicating via the existing system with other local agencies.
An analysis showed 33 of Connecticut’s “critical infrastructure assets” would risk being flooded twice a year by 2050 and 15 would risk flooding every other week. The numbers rise to 127 and 98 by 2100.