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FutureStructure Infrastructure

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A new report by the Urban Institute urges an additional $17 billion in annual federal spending for transit nationwide, which could bring many bus systems up to a level currently seen in major cities like Chicago.
The novel charging technology allows power to be drawn from vehicles for use within the North Boulder Recreation Center during the day when demand is highest, and charges vehicles overnight.
As of Nov. 16, the Greenville Police Department had received 587 alerts from the license plate scanning system, resulting in 11 warrants, and found 52 stolen vehicles based on those alerts.
IndyGo announces plans to improve the city's busiest bus stops in downtown bus stops. The upgrades will include ticketing machines, real-time information screens, and security cameras.
Public sector transit agencies are expected to continue their transition away from fossil fuel burning fleets, expanding the use of electric buses, despite setbacks by the COVID-19 crisis.
A diverse group of stakeholders around the Texas city is researching the resilience of grid infrastructure, focusing on how best to defend against natural and manmade electromagnetic disturbances.
Venture capital investors recently discussed the transportation innovations where they see big opportunities for significant growth — the expansion of electric vehicles and autonomous technologies are among them.
Chattanooga has been selected as one of two U.S. cities in a global initiative to use broadband and data to plan and utilize energy, transportation, health care and communications in more sustainable and equitable ways.
New traffic signal technology may help alleviate traffic congestion in the Rock Hill area. The smart signals react to traffic conditions in real time and adjust to optimize the flow of traffic.
Joe Biden has sweeping plans for a clean energy revolution. Congress will be a big speed bump, but it can't block everything.
Well-intentioned transportation projects during the COVID-19 pandemic to slow or remove traffic from city streets tended to serve mostly wealthy, white neighborhoods, said equity activists at the CoMotion LA conference.
Big Rock Technologies, a finalist in the NATO Innovation COVID Challenge, received approval from Saratoga Springs, N.Y., allowing the city to be the testing grounds for contactless delivery of COVID tests and medicine.
El Paso, Texas, residents who live near a Walmart on the east side of the city can potentially get an at-home COVID-19 testing kit delivered by drone, after the delivery service started Tuesday.
The events of this year have emphasized the need for equity and opportunity to be parts of public policy related to transportation and development, said speakers at the fourth annual CoMotion LA conference.
Garcetti used the first day of the CoMotion LA conference to announce the formation of a new Transportation Technology Innovation Zone, where new technologies can be tested and proved with local businesses and residents.
The fourth annual CoMotion LA conference opened Tuesday with leaders imagining how the Biden administration could guide the nation and world toward transportation solutions that are more advanced and sustainable.
A study points to one way to speed up adoption of innovations in clean energy technology – more flexibility among state regulators.
Once cashless tolling goes live on the Thruway Friday evening, motorists no longer will be able to use cash at toll booths, nor will they receive printed toll tickets at that point. An app has been created to manage payments.
What if roads and bridges could signal structural problems that need repair?
Several cities have taken advantage of nearly empty streets and parking structures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic to roll out technology upgrades for when — and if — drivers return to downtown areas.