The authors explain that “government CIOs are well represented in our list, possibly because as public servants they feel they should communicate their activities more openly than others. But the rest of the line-up is drawn from a broad set of industries, and includes IT leaders from energy, fashion, telecoms, retail, finance and CPG.”
Here are the six most social public-sector CIOs as determined by I-CIO:
David Bray
CIO, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission
Handle: @fcc_cio
Followers: 70,400
Scope: Tech insight, informal comment, open dialog
Tweet example: What I’ve seen in last 15+ years: centralized solutions fail, edge-based-IT-empowerment succeeds @digiphile @usgsa @govfresh #Intrapreneurs
Why follow: Great content curating plus conversations with other big thinkers
Frequency: 5-10 times daily
Robert Schmidt CIO, California Department of Food and Agriculture Handle: @ambassadorcio Location: USA Followers: 68,200 Scope: Intersperses tech top 10s, how-tos and infographics with innovation quotations Tweet example: “Eventually everything connects – people, ideas, objects…the quality of the connections is the key to quality.” – Charles Eames Why follow: Senior government agency executive leading IT at $400m state department Frequency: 5-10 times daily Jonathan Reichental CIO, City of Palo Alto Location: USA Handle: @Reichental Followers: 3,670 Scope: Smart cities, open government, public sector IT Tweet example: U.S. Digital Services Playbook: Why follow: Passionate about digital government and use of IT to improve society Frequency: Daily Jos Creese CIO, Hampshire County Council Handle: @JosCreese Location: UK Followers: 3,100 Style: Open commentary on public sector IT; digital challenges for CIOs Tweet example: Overwhelming support for joined-up health records ... Of course we do .. lets do it! Why follow: Public-sector insights combined with a personal perspective on digital Frequency: 3-4 times per week Sonny Hashmi CIO, U.S. Government Services Agency Handle: @sonny_h Location: USA Followers: 2,760 Scope: Cloud, gadgets, design, digital government Tweet example: Dropped a “let’s keep it weird” in an interagency strategy meeting today. Achievement unlocked! Why follow: CIO managing the government agency’s $600 million IT budget always keen to learn and share digital know-how Frequency: Daily Rick Holgate CIO, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Handle: @rickholgate Location: USA Followers: 2,570 Scope: Security, government tech/business engagement, cross-agency cooperation Tweet example: Persistent and scary theme throughout #AspenSecurity: we’re in a pre-9/11 moment when it comes to cyber #yikes Why follow: Insider US government IT chat Frequency: Daily