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Alaska to Update Application Process for Permanent Dividend

The Alaska Department of Revenue will work with Saige Consulting to modernize the Dividend Application Information System, by which qualifying residents receive their annual stipend. The new solution is expected in 2026.

A city skyline in Alaska with snowy mountains in the background.
Alaska residents receive an annual dividend from state revenue generated by the natural resources industry, provided they apply and qualify — and that process could soon get easier.

The Alaska Department of Revenue (DOR) has entered into a new partnership with Saige Consulting to modernize the dividend application system, introducing automation and artificial intelligence to reduce application time for the uniquely Alaskan perk. The Permanent Fund Dividend is paid annually to each qualifying resident; in 2024, the distribution was $1,702, according to the DOR.

“Our partnership with Saige introduces advanced AI capabilities to our state government functions, accelerating Alaska’s IT modernization and ensuring that all residents benefit from cutting-edge technology and an improved digital experience,” Fadil Limani, DOR deputy commissioner, said in a statement.

The technology will be implemented in 2025 and is expected to be fully available for residents in 2026, according to the state. The new cloud-based Dividend Application Information System is anticipated to save some 116,000 hours for Alaska residents. It is expected to offer a smoother application process with more automation, improved fraud prevention measures, better data management, and a modernized user experience with shortened application review times and less backlog.

The Alaska Permanent Fund was established in 1976 with the goal of depositing some of the state’s oil revenues into an investment fund. In 1980 the Alaska Legislature established the Permanent Fund Dividend program, which pays an annual dividend to all qualified Alaska residents. The annual payment is generally about $1,000 a year.