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To Build Trust, Improve Digital Government Experience

A new report explores insights from respondents about the strengths and opportunities for improvement with digital services in the public sector, and finds that better online experiences create more trust in government.

A partially transparent, cyan-colored rendering of the planet earth overlays an image of a modern city skyline, representing a digital world.
The Connected Government Report: The Future of Digital Service, released today by Salesforce, explores insights about the public sector’s approach to digital transformation and how that can be used to build constituent trust.

The report uses findings from thousands of people at least 18 years old, surveyed in 2021 and 2022 across North America, Latin America, Europe and the Asia Pacific region.

The survey focused on four main questions: How much progress have public-sector organizations made in the digital space since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic? What drives constituent satisfaction and trust in government? How do constituents want to engage with government in the digital age? And what role does emerging technology play in creating new and trusted experiences?

The report noted four key findings: 1) Trust is the foundation of government business; 2) global crises increase digital demands; 3) technology powers transformation; and 4) investment in the employee experience pays off, for everyone. In other words, how public agencies deliver services can leave a lasting impression of government performance.

For example, while only 16 percent of respondents believe that government has effectively used technology to improve the government experience for constituents, 87 percent noted that a great digital government experience would increase their trust in public organizations.

Another key takeaway indicates that the majority of constituents — 60 percent — think government needs to modernize service delivery. The report also notes that the majority of constituents — 54 percent — believe it’s easier to get help from the government online than in person.

The report also includes a spotlight on the digital future of work, citing the Global Digital Skills Index, published in January 2022, which indicated the workforce readiness for a digital age as only 33 out of 100.

Finally, a forward-looking summary of the digital public sector forecasts new technologies — including automation, drones for reducing safety hazards and the Internet of Things for improved data collection — will "bring new opportunities for creating trusted experiences."
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