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UPDATED: A Resource Guide to Coronavirus for Government Leaders

The novel coronavirus has tested the durability of federal, state and local governments around the country and the world. This list of resources is meant to connect leaders with useful tools to aid in response efforts.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
As COVID-19 continues to spread across the country, I’ve curated some resources from around the Web for my state and local government network. This is updated every 24 hours, please fill out this form if you have other resources, templates or COVID-19 solutions that should be added. 

Tip: One helpful tip for navigating this guide is to use CTRL-F or CMD-F (for Macs) to search specific keywords or needs.

You can track the spread of coronavirus through this interactive dashboard from Johns Hopkins and Esri, FAO and NOAA.

COVID-19 Information

Latest Counts:

Federal Government Guidance for State and Local Government Agencies

Reopening Guidance

COVID-19 Information Dashboards

Example State and Local Government Responses

State and Local Telecommuting Policy Examples

City Policies

County Policies

State Policies

COVID-19 Response Survey

The question below provides an opportunity for us to collectively learn how state and local agencies are responding to COVID-19 using technology. After answering the question, you’ll be able to immediately see how other state and local agencies are responding.

What technologies have you implemented in response to COVID-19 in your organization?

GovTech Companies Providing COVID-19 Solutions

Resources from State and Local Government Associations

Local Government

County Government

State Government

Additional State and Local COVID-19 Reading

State COVID-19 Portals (In Alphabetical Order)

This resource list is updated daily. For multiple updates each day, please see the original resource on which this is based, State and Local Government Resources for COVID-19, also curated by Dustin Haisler on

Dustin Haisler is the chief innovation officer of Emergency Management’s parent company e.Republic. Previously the finance director and later CIO for Manor, Texas, a small city outside Austin, Haisler quickly built a track record and reputation as an early innovator in civic tech. As chief innovation officer, Haisler has a strategic role to help shape the company’s products, services and future direction. Primarily, he leads e.Republic Labs, a market connector created as an ecosystem to educate, accelerate and ultimately scale technology innovation within the public sector.
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