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Exploring Next-Gen Citizen Services — ICYMI

Granicus CEO Mark Hynes outlines the role of technology in modernizing government services and discusses strategies for enhancing citizen engagement and participation.

When Mark Hynes became CEO of Granicus in 2017 he was able to combine his software-focused background with his personal interest in the positive impact that technology could have on families and communities.

Since that time, both his company and government services have evolved along with technology. He noted that, although the services provided by government haven’t changed much over the years, there has definitely been a mind shift in the way that the public sector now thinks about delivery, measurement and impact of those services.

Where it was once enough to provide access, government is now focused on the experience of their constituents and whether or not the intended impacts and outcomes were achieved. Technology must allow for engagement and participation, he noted, but it is equally important that technology encourage and promote such engagement and participation.

In this episode of In Case You Missed It, Hynes spoke with Dustin Haisler about the challenges that governments face trying to modernize their services, the emerging trends which will impact citizen services and the advice he would offer public-sector leaders — noting that trust, driven by clear communication and ease of use, is fundamental to the constituent experience.


  • Learn more about Granicus and their solutions to transform the government experience
  • Connect with Mark Hynes on LinkedIn


In Case You Missed It is Government Technology’s weekly news roundup and interview live show featuring e.Republic* President Dustin Haisler and Chief Innovation Officer Joe Morris as they bring their analysis and insight to the week’s most important stories in state and local government.

Follow along live Fridays at 12 p.m. PST on LinkedIn and YouTube.

*e.Republic is Government Technology’s parent company.


GovTech Biz
Dustin Haisler is the president of Government Technology’s parent company e.Republic. Previously the finance director and later CIO for Manor, Texas, a small city outside Austin, Haisler quickly built a track record and reputation as an early innovator in civic tech. As President, Haisler drives exponential growth, implements new ideas and promotes a corporate culture that rewards creativity. Read his full bio.