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The biggest news in artificial intelligence, accessibility, cybersecurity, ed tech, government experience and public safety. Our annual review of the top headlines from 2024 also looks at what’s in store for state and local IT next year.
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The transformative power of AI was embraced by many state and local governments this year. Dedicated AI leadership positions and task forces have emerged to guide responsible use.
Significant cyber events from the year, like the CrowdStrike incident, tell us which critical infrastructure sectors are most at risk. What are governments doing to prepare for the new year?
This year, local and state governments increased access to digital services for people with disabilities, in part due to a new ruling from the DOJ.
Generative AI, cyber threats, TikTok and phone bans are some of the major issues that impacted ed tech in 2024. In the new year, school boards need to determine how to move forward.
New emergency dispatch tools that offer automated services are more important than ever amid staffing shortages in law enforcement and emergency call centers.