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With help from whole-of-state efforts and federal funding support, small and rural communities are getting a boost for their cyber defenses. Is it enough?
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Cyber threats to water systems, electrical grids and the space sector are on the rise, but new resources, policies and strategies could help.
In the September/October issue of Government Technology, we look at the current cybersecurity landscape as state and local governments work to boost their defenses.
Given the surge of ransomware attacks and increasing costs of payments to unlock stolen data in 2024, some states have banned public ransomware payments. But experts are divided on whether it's the right move.
As Nov. 5 approaches, we asked state CIOs what role they play in keeping elections fair, valid and cyber-safe.
The three-year $200 million Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program opens its application window this fall. The near-term goal is to secure schools most in need, but long-term it will help nationwide.
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