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Madison County, N.Y., Launches Joint Broadband Campaign

County 0fficials recently announced the launch of a joint Broadband Availability and Adoption (BAAT) Campaign to determine needs and opportunities for broadband Internet growth in the region.

(TNS) — The quality of the lives of the citizens and businesses within Madison County, N.Y., are always an important concern for the Madison County Board of Supervisors.

The Board recently announced the launch of a joint Broadband Availability and Adoption (BAAT) Campaign to determine needs and opportunities for broadband Internet growth in the region. The campaign, which consists of a short online survey and speed test, will target both residential and commercial addresses.

"We have long known that our County lags behind the more urban counties in the State when it comes to access to affordable, reliable broadband," stated Madison County chairman John M. Becker. "Many people both at their homes and at their businesses have poor to no access, and those that do have access report that broadband speeds are a real problem. This online survey will help us map and determine access levels and speeds throughout Madison County."

The broadband survey is tailored to ask questions, based on response, pertinent to homes and businesses both with and without access. Respondents will need to enter an address and indicate whether it is for a home or business and will proceed to a survey designed to collect information on demand for services unique to their location. Residents who also have an at home business should take the business survey as well as the home survey.

Residents without Internet access at home can and are encouraged to take the survey. They can either go to their local library, enter in their home address, skip the speed test completely and answer the questions. The survey is also accessible via any mobile device.

Paper copies of the survey will be available at local libraries and town offices. The county is also working with local school districts to send surveys home with students for families to fill out and return. The survey can be found at, and the county will be making hard copies available at libraries, town offices and schools.

Madison County is hoping to reach as many residents as possible before the campaign ends Dec. 31. For more information, visit

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