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Simplify Government Payment Processing

An end-to-end, cloud-based payment platform from the public sector market leader.

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They are one of the most common, meaningful interactions a resident has with their government. A singular focus on the public sector allows Tyler Technologies to look beyond a simple transaction to the entire payments life cycle, delivering a frictionless experience for government staff and payers at every stage — from back-end billing systems and bill presentment to payment collection, reconciliation, disbursements, and reporting.
Governments have long offered online options for some payments, but constituents now expect these capabilities across a much wider range of services and programs.
Why are payments top of mind for residents? What challenges do payers face and how have their expectations shifted over the last several years? Government payments expert Sloane Wright dives into this topic.
Government stakeholders want to know more about the status and trends of revenue collection efforts. When is revenue expected? How are services being utilized? Payment Insights delivers advanced payment processing analytics, allowing users to easily visualize and analyze multi-department transaction data.