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Michigan Governor Expands CIO's Role to Department Director

Brom Stibitz, who has worked in various roles in Michigan's state government since 2011, will now serve as both CIO and management and budget director, following in the footsteps of previous CIO David DeVries.

The role of Michigan CIO Brom Stibitz has been expanded, announced Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's office last week.

In addition to his role as CIO, Stibitz will now serve as director of the state's Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB), which handles IT as well as other interagency services including finances, facilities and fleets. Stibitz already has experience with the role, having spent the last several months serving as DTMB's acting director.

Appointed in March after former Director Tricia Foster was named chief operating officer, Stibitz has helped to shepherd the state through difficult times involving the outbreak of COVID-19 and all of its related IT challenges.

The last person to serve in both roles simultaneously was former DTMB CIO David DeVries, who retired in January 2019

“Serving the people of Michigan has always been an honor,” said Stibitz in a statement. “These have been challenging times, no doubt about it, but I am so proud of the way our team has gone above and beyond to ensure state government doesn’t miss a beat. I look forward to continuing to serve in Governor Whitmer’s administration as we work to build a stronger Michigan for all of us.” 

Stibitz has held various positions with the state of Michigan since 2011. Before taking over as acting director and CIO in March, he served as chief deputy director of DTMB for close to six years. Before that, Stibitz also worked at the Michigan Department of Treasury — first as a senior policy advisor, then as director of executive operations. He also worked in the state legislature between 2005 and 2010. 

“DTMB is the backbone of state government,” Whitmer said in the statement. “Brom has done an incredible job ensuring our 48,464 state employees have the right tools and technology they need to keep serving the people of Michigan as we battle a global pandemic. He's the right person to lead this crucial department during these difficult times, and I’m proud to have Brom serving in my cabinet.” 

Lucas Ropek is a former staff writer for Government Technology.
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