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Minnesota CIO Departs State Service Ahead of New Appointee

Johanna Clyborne took the lead at Minnesota Information Technology Services in early 2018 following the departure of Tom Baden, and after roughly a year is stepping aside as a new administration sets up shop.

Brig. Gen. Johanna Clyborne, who was tapped to lead Minnesota Information Technology Services by outgoing Gov. Mark Dayton, has stepped aside as the new governor prepares to appoint cabinet officials. 

Clyborne was initially brought in to lead the agency in late January 2018 following the sudden departure of then-CIO Tom Baden, who left citing health issues.
In an automatic email reply received by Government Technology, Clyborne said, “Effective noon on January 7, 2019 I will no longer [serve] as Commissioner and State Chief Information Officer for the State of Minnesota. It has been my pleasure to serve our great State.”  
“A new Commissioner and State Chief Information Officer for the State of Minnesota will be appointed in a few weeks,” the email continued.
During her time with the agency, Clyborne took the reins of the troubled Minnesota Licensing and Registration System (MNLARS), which she called an “urgent issue.” 
“Right now, there is no service that more urgently requires our time, attention and expertise than MNLARS. Important improvements have already been made to the system in recent months, and that progress must continue. We will not rest until we get this project done right, and continue to provide excellent service to the people of Minnesota,” she said in a January 2018 statement.
By October, the CIO said changes to business practices and a contract with Colorado-based FAST Enterprises were showing positive momentum with the program.
The CIO is also founding partner at Shakopee, Minn.-based law firm Brekke, Clyborne and Ribich, as well as the director of the joint staff for the Minnesota National Guard — a role she maintained while taking on duties as the state CIO.
Eyragon Eidam is the managing editor for Industry Insider — California. He previously served as the daily news editor for Government Technology. He lives in Sacramento, Calif.