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Windows XP/Vista Users Have no Easy Upgrade to Windows 10

Without a direct upgrade path, Microsoft says those using XP or Vista will either have to buy a new computer equipped with Windows 10 or purchase a copy and install it fresh.

(TNS) -- In response to an item about the upcoming Windows 10 operating system, a reader, Gail, wrote, “What about us poor souls who have Windows 6? May we upgrade to Win 10 also?”

Microsoft says Windows 10 — the successor to Windows 8; there was no version 9 — will be a free upgrade for current users of Windows 7 or Windows 8 when it arrives later this year. Unfortunately, there are still some people using Windows XP (Win 5) and Windows Vista (Win 6). For them, Microsoft says there won’t be a direct upgrade path, which means they’ll either have to buy a new computer, tablet or phone equipped with Windows 10 or purchase a copy and install it fresh.

Even with a fresh install of purchased software, there’s no guarantee that much older PCs will work well with Windows 10. You can check online for a list of hardware requirements for Windows 10.

©2015 Austin American-Statesman, Texas, Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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