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Arizona Department of Transportation's Intelligent Transportation System Project

Project will greatly enhance the public safety infrastructure in Arizona

World Wide Technology Inc. (WWT), a market-leading systems integrator that provides innovative technology and supply chain solutions, announced that it was awarded a wireless equipment and services contract with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

The multi-year contract with renewal options is part of an overall effort by the Arizona Department of Transportation to provide a traffic signal and intelligent transportation system (ITS)for transportation and homeland security applications. This statewide contract is available to state government entities, political subdivisions, school districts and universities in Arizona.

WWT specializes in helping federal, state and local governments to manage technology and supply chain planning, procurement and deployment processes. The company's customers benefit from WWT's certified technology professionals, nationwide physical infrastructure, and suite of e-Commerce applications designed to greatly simplify the supply chain and procurement process.

"WWT is proud to have been selected to be a part of a project that will greatly enhance the public safety infrastructure in Arizona," said Robert Olwig, vice president of business strategy for WWT. "Our long-standing vendor relationships and unique supply chain solutions provide the foundation for WWT to supply the State of Arizona with the products and services needed to enhance and support the ADOT's wireless communications project."