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Gary, Ind., Receives Federal Funding for License Plate Readers

The U.S. Department of Justice has awarded the city of Gary $1 million to purchase additional license plate readers. The technology can be mounted on streetlights, poles and police cars.

An aerial view of downtown Gary, Ind.
(TNS) — The City of Gary has been awarded $1 million in funding to purchase additional license plate readers for the city, according to a joint press release from the United States Attorney's Office and the Gary Police Department.

The funding will cover LPR cameras that can be mounted on streetlights, poles or police cars, stationery video surveillance cameras and any additional costs.

Gary police received word Thursday that the funding had been approved, according to the release. The grant was provided through the Department of Justice's Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding.

The technology and equipment is designed to enhance officer safety, and allow police to act proactively rather than reactively, the release said. The devices often help police track suspects after they leave crime scenes. It will help Gary police to focus on areas with higher crime levels and offer residents peace of mind knowing there are additional mechanisms in place to keep them safe.

"A key component to increasing public safety in local communities is having the funding to acquire and deploy available technology," U.S. Attorney Clifford D. Johnson said via the press release. " The Department of Justice, through its grant programs, is committed to assisting local governments, as shown by this $1 million grant to the City of Gary, in funding these modernization efforts."

Gary police received a grant in April to purchase new laptops and license plate readers from the Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services, also through the DOJ. The police department installed 30 stationary LPRs in 2021. The readers scan passing cars, integrating the information collected with the National Crime Information Center, a federal crime database.

"It's not the dollar amount of the grant as much as it is the relationship with our federal partners that I'm pleased about today. The citizens of Gary are better served when all law enforcement entities come together with a common goal," Gary police Chief Anthony Titus said in the press release. "This $1 million grant will help the Gary Police Department acquire technology that will be used to serve the citizens of Gary. It will enhance our already robust LPR and mobile video camera systems. A heartfelt thanks to the Department of Justice and everyone involved in helping the City of Gary secure this funding."

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