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How much did former NBA player Tyrone Nesby once owe in child support?

Answer: $680,413

Editor's note: This story was updated at 10:45 a.m. on March 8, 2017, to reflect the fact that is now defunct, and that Tyrone Nesby has reported to Government Technology that his child support issues have been resolved.

A now-defunct website run by the state of Illinois called shames those who fail to pay child support, and in January of 2016, former Los Angeles Clippers and Washington Wizards player Tyrone Nesby was among them.

Anyone who owes more than $5,000 in past-due child support is permitted by state law to have their personal information made public along with the amount they owe. The state first asks permission of the family to publish the information and also gives the deadbeat parent a chance to dispute the amount before the information is published. The website features dozen of parents from all walks of life who are delinquent in their payments.

In addition to the aforementioned former NBA and ABA star, other prominent deadbeat parents included:

  • Theodore Jackson, a church bishop, owes more than $1.4 million to support nine of his children.
  • Former All-Pro NFL linebacker Dwayne Rudd owes $492,549. Rudd is best known for a blunder that cost the Cleveland Browns their 2002 season opener against the Kansas City Chiefs. Rudd removed and threw his helmet in celebration before the final play was dead. The resulting penalty gave the Chiefs a chance to kick a field goal and win the game.
  • Rapper Yung Berg, aka Christian J. Ward, whose first single was released in April 2007 when he was 21 years old, owes $101,892. 
There were a few women scattered throughout the list, but most of the deadbeat parents listed are men, who hail from all income brackets, ages, racial and cultural backgrounds.

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