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What kind of ads will Facebook start letting users disable?

Answer: Political ads.

Neck-down view of a person in a blue business suit with a red tie standing in front of a podium with two microphones on it. The image background is an American flag.
Facebook has taken a lot of heat recently for refusing to regulate political advertisements on its platform, even when those ads contain false information. While the platform is maintaining that stance, it is now giving people the option to remove those ads from their feeds.

Beginning in the next few weeks, users will all be given access to a tool that Facebook first introduced in January. This tool will allow them to block ads about “all social issues, electoral or political ads from candidates, Super PACs, or other organizations that have the ‘Paid for by’ political disclaimer” from appearing in their feeds.

At the same time, the social media platform is also launching a Voting Information Center. Much like its COVID-19 Information Center, the Voting Information Center will appear at the top of users’ feeds and will include things like resources for registering, information on mail-in ballots and, potentially, local announcements from election officials.