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Can this device recharge your smartphone in just 2 seconds?

Answer: Yes.

A blue wave of electricity against a black background.
Now that we have so many battery electric devices that we rely on every day (phones, cars, etc.), the next best thing would be a way to charge them very quickly. Like, in seconds. A new device from this year’s CES conference has a way to do just that for your smartphone.

The Swippitt Instant Power System (IPS) technically doesn’t top up your phone’s internal battery in mere seconds. Instead, the IPS stores and charges up to five external batteries that fit inside a phone case. Just pop your phone into the toaster-like slot on top of the device, and it switches out the case for a new one with a full charge (which it then transfers to your phone’s internal battery at a normal charging speed). You essentially get double the battery capacity of your device in seconds.

There’s also an accompanying app that can tell you everything you wanted to know, and some things that maybe you didn’t, about your phone’s battery and usage. The Swippitt IPS will only work with iPhone 14, 15 and 16 models at launch, but compatibility with Android and other iPhone models is in the works. The first devices are expected to start shipping in June.
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