The new voice was released Thursday as part of ChatGPT’s existing real-time voice feature. Described as “merry and bright,” the voice sounds just like your typical bright and booming Santa Claus. It can be accessed through the snowflake icon to the right of the prompt bar.
Can you make ChatGPT sound like Santa Claus?
Answer: Yes.
ChatGPT is getting into the holiday spirit. The popular GenAI chatbot has a new voice mode for December that sounds like Old Saint Nick himself.
The new voice was released Thursday as part of ChatGPT’s existing real-time voice feature. Described as “merry and bright,” the voice sounds just like your typical bright and booming Santa Claus. It can be accessed through the snowflake icon to the right of the prompt bar.
At the same time, OpenAI announced that it has released a visual understanding element to ChatGPT, meaning it can now understand live video from your camera while you’re interacting with it. This means ChatGPT Santa will also be able to “see” you while you’re talking to him.
The new voice was released Thursday as part of ChatGPT’s existing real-time voice feature. Described as “merry and bright,” the voice sounds just like your typical bright and booming Santa Claus. It can be accessed through the snowflake icon to the right of the prompt bar.