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Did Bruce Willis sell the rights to his face?

Answer: At this point, it’s all a bit murky.

Bruce Willis.
Shutterstock/PAN Photo Agency
Actor Bruce Willis made headlines last week when news broke that he had sold the rights to use his likeness to Russian AI company Deepcake. According to reports, the deal was struck after the actor and Deepcake collaborated in 2021 to put a digital twin of Willis in a Russian phone ad. Part of the agreement was that this deepfake digital twin could be used by the company in future movies, in perpetuity.

Representatives of the actor, however, have said that no such agreement exists. They said in a statement that Willis “has no partnership or agreement with this Deepcake company.” But there are reportedly quotes from Willis on Deepcake’s website about the collaboration. And a Deepcake representative told theHollywood Reporter that Willis’ likeness cannot be sold, as it belongs solely to him, and any future use of it by Deepcake would be up to the actor.

So basically, it’s all clear as mud.