This one is “real” because unlike all the other lightsaber replicas out there, it has a blade that fully extends and retracts. No more kaleidoscoping plastic blades that never really work. This bad boy is made of two widened plastic strips that function much like a tape measure. They’re rounded toward each other to form a cylinder, inside of which is a soft strip of LEDs.
Did Disney really make a real retracting lightsaber?
Answer: Yes, yes it did.
On Tuesday, May 4, the unofficial Star Wars Day holiday, Disney celebrated by unveiling a project that had Star Wars fans the world over very excited. After weeks of rumors, the company released an official video of its first “real” lightsaber.
This one is “real” because unlike all the other lightsaber replicas out there, it has a blade that fully extends and retracts. No more kaleidoscoping plastic blades that never really work. This bad boy is made of two widened plastic strips that function much like a tape measure. They’re rounded toward each other to form a cylinder, inside of which is a soft strip of LEDs.
Unfortunately, the sabers are not currently available for purchase. However, you will be able to see them in person when the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser resort at Walt Disney World opens, currently scheduled for sometime next year.
This one is “real” because unlike all the other lightsaber replicas out there, it has a blade that fully extends and retracts. No more kaleidoscoping plastic blades that never really work. This bad boy is made of two widened plastic strips that function much like a tape measure. They’re rounded toward each other to form a cylinder, inside of which is a soft strip of LEDs.