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Did Oreo really just build a doomsday bunker for cookies?

Answer: You'd better believe it, because they did.

Closeup of a pile of Oreo cookies against a white background.
Wikimedia Commons/ Evan-Amos
On Oct. 3, after news of a potential asteroid collision with the earth in November had been circulating for a while, Twitter user and cookie-lover Olivia Gordon tweeted wanting to know who would save the Oreos. While it has been determined that the asteroid will harmlessly burn up in the earth’s atmosphere if it does attempt to hit us, Gordon’s tweet still grabbed the attention of Oreo and its parent company Mondelez International.

So they decided to build a full-blown doomsday bunker to protect the precious Oreos. The Global Oreo Vault was inspired by the seed vault built in the Arctic to preserve the earth’s botany in the case of a full-blown disaster. Built on permafrost in Norway, its much smaller than its inspiration, but still has everything you’d expect from a doomsday bunker.    

“As an added precaution, the Oreo packs are wrapped in mylar, which can withstand temperatures from -80 degrees to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and is impervious to chemical reactions, moisture and air, keeping the cookies fresh and protected for years to come,” said Oreo in a statement.

Here's hoping they chose to protect Double Stuf Oreos because let’s face it, no one wants the single-stuffed kind anymore.

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