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Does the world have more doors or wheels?

Answer: We may never know, but the Internet is loving the debate.

A row of colorful doors.
Shutterstock/Paul Vowles
The world of ridiculous Internet debates is at it again. Unlike “The Dress” or “Yanny and Laurel,” though, this latest viral conundrum is one we’ll probably never get a definitive answer on: Are there more wheels or doors in the world?

It all started, to absolutely no one’s surprise, on Twitter. On March 4, user @NewYorkNixon posted a Twitter poll asking, “Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?” The results of the initial poll leaned slightly in favor of the wheels at 53.6 percent, but with the Internet being what it is, that was far from the end of it. The debate has since made its way over to TikTok, and people have runwith it.

As of Friday, the tags “teamdoor” and “teamwheels” had 6 million and 44 million views, respectively, while the overall “doorsorwheels” had more than 25 million. Some people have even started posting videos of complicated math formulas in order to justify their answers.

Perhaps the real debate, though, is what we would do without the Internet to bring us these questions in the first place.
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