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How many miles have autonomous vehicles driven in the U.S.?

Answer: 44 million.

Digital rendering of a vehicle moving down a road while the person in the driver's seat reads a newspaper. There are green lines coming out from the front of the car to indicate that it is monitoring the road in front of it.
Autonomous vehicles have been quietly driving up a storm in the U.S. According to the Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association (AVIA), they’ve traveled a combined 44 million miles on public roads.

For comparison, that’s the equivalent of 1,767 trips around the world or 184 trips to the moon. This includes all types of AVs from ride-shares to trucks to deliveries and only counts trips on public roads, not testing facilities or tracks. It also only accounts for fully autonomous technologies and not driver assist features like lane-keep assist.

This milestone number also comes with an impressive safety record. Beginning two years ago, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) requires all AV companies to report any and all incidents involving their technology on public roads. That covers everything from colliding with another vehicle to debris hitting the windshield. Only one serious injury has been reported in that time.