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On what day do people give up on their New Year fitness goals?

Answer: The second Tuesday in January.

a row of exercise bikes
Adobe Stock
It’s a tale as old as time — people set New Year’s resolutions to be more active, and gyms are always very busy at the beginning of the year. But eventually the crowds die off as some inevitably fall short of their goals. And fitness tracking app Strava knows exactly when that decline will start, down to the day.

For more than five years, the most common day for activity breaks for Strava users has been on the second Tuesday in January. In fact, it’s become so predictable that it’s now commonly referred to as Quitter’s Day. This year, it falls on Jan. 14.

For those who may be contemplating taking part in Quitter’s Day, Strava also has some helpful tips to stay on track for your New Year’s fitness goals. They suggest joining a workout group or club, maintaining variety in your workout and prioritizing rest to avoid burnout.