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What celebrity voices can Meta’s AI chatbot now use?

Answer: Awkwafina and Judi Dench, among others.

Illustration of a blue robot typing on a laptop. White background.
Meta held its Connect event on Wednesday, which means there wasn’t much else to talk about in the world of tech news. Among many other things, the company announced that its AI chatbot will be able to have a conversation with you in the voice of one of a few chosen celebrities.

The bot, which is available in Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook, will be able to emulate the voices of Awkwafina, John Cena, Keegan-Michael Key, Kristen Bell and Dame Judi Dench. According to the Wall Street Journal, Meta paid “millions of dollars” to each celebrity to use their voices. If you don’t feel like conversing with an imitation of said celebrities, you’ll also be able to choose between a few generic, non-celebrity options like Aspen, Atlas or Clover.

Imitating select famous people isn’t the only thing the AI will be able to do though. When you upload images in one of the apps, it can “answer questions about your photos” or ask it to make a change to an image. According to Meta, it can do anything from “changing your outfit to replacing the background with a rainbow.”