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What smartphone company is using AI to detect deepfakes?

Answer: Honor.

a digitally rendered face on a blue background
Artificial intelligence is everywhere right now, but not everyone is using it in good ways. That’s why smartphone-maker Honor has developed a system that aims to tell you if what you’re looking at is a video fabricated by AI.

The tool, AI Deepfake Detection, looks at videos frame by frame and evaluates things like eye contact, lighting, image clarity and video playback for evidence that the human eye could miss. If it thinks the video was generated by AI, it will create a pop-up alert: “Honor scam alert. It looks like the other person could be using AI to swap their face.”

For now, the feature only works on video calls to help users detect scammers.

“On-device AI, which is run on smartphones that understand us better than any other devices, is uniquely positioned to deliver services that are tailored to us and our preferences,” said Honor CEO George Zhao. “At [Honor], we believe on-device AI has the potential to empower users and become more capable in everything they do. We invite all industry players to join us as we explore the untapped potential of on-device AI.”