Facebook recently limited access to some pro-Kremlin news media accounts, adding warning labels for misleading content. Roskomnadzor, Russia’s telecommunications regulator, said on Friday that it would begin partially limiting access to Facebook in the country as a result. “Russian authorities ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labeling of content posted on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organizations,” said Nick Clegg, president of global affairs for Meta, Facebook's parent company. “We refused. As a result, they have announced they will be restricting the use of our services.”
What social media platform is being restricted in Russia?
Answer: Facebook.
Following Russia President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch a military invasion in Ukraine Thursday, people the world over have expressed their feelings about the news on social media. This is no less true for world governments themselves — the official Ukraine account on Twitter made its sentiments known in no uncertain terms. Others have shown support of the invasion, and some have spread misinformation.
Facebook recently limited access to some pro-Kremlin news media accounts, adding warning labels for misleading content. Roskomnadzor, Russia’s telecommunications regulator, said on Friday that it would begin partially limiting access to Facebook in the country as a result. “Russian authorities ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labeling of content posted on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organizations,” said Nick Clegg, president of global affairs for Meta, Facebook's parent company. “We refused. As a result, they have announced they will be restricting the use of our services.”
At the time of this writing, it's unclear what this limiting of access would look like. Roskomnadzor also didn't clarify whether the Instagram and WhatsApp platforms, also owned by Meta, would be included in the limitations.
Facebook recently limited access to some pro-Kremlin news media accounts, adding warning labels for misleading content. Roskomnadzor, Russia’s telecommunications regulator, said on Friday that it would begin partially limiting access to Facebook in the country as a result. “Russian authorities ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labeling of content posted on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organizations,” said Nick Clegg, president of global affairs for Meta, Facebook's parent company. “We refused. As a result, they have announced they will be restricting the use of our services.”