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Where can you stay in a hobbit hole from Lord of the Rings?

Answer: New Zealand, via Airbnb.

A hobbit hole with a green door that's partially open.
Shutterstock/Nok Lek Travel Lifestyle
Booking will be available beginning at 4 p.m. EST on Dec. 13 and will cost $6 a night, not including taxes, fees and travel. Guests will be treated to the full Hobbiton experience, with their own personal hobbit hole, an evening banquet in the famous Green Dragon Inn, a private tour of the set and, of course, second breakfast and elevenses.

Airbnb is on a roll when it comes to iconic stays that celebrate movie releases. Before Halloween, it gave us the one-night stay in the Sanderson sisters’ cottage from Hocus Pocus. Now, to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of another popular film, it’s heading to New Zealand.

On March 2-4, March 9-11, or March 16-18 of next year, up to four guests at a time will get the opportunity to stay in Hobbiton, the fictional town where the hobbits live in the Lord of the Rings. The actual location is Matamata, Waikato, New Zealand, where the movie adaptations were filmed. This one-time offering is to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the release of An Unexpected Journey, the first installment in The Hobbit films.