The driver, identified as Craig Doty II from Camden, Ohio, recently posted the footage on the Tesla Motors Club forum. In the video, his car approaches a railroad crossing with a train passing over it but doesn’t slow down. He veers off to the side at the last minute, hitting the lowered crossing arm before coming to a stop off of the road parallel to the tracks.
Where did a Tesla in Full Self-Driving mode almost run into a train?
Answer: Ohio.
Tesla’s Full Self-Driving feature is incredibly convenient, when it works properly. If it has any hiccups though, it can be terrifying, as one user has learned. A driver in Ohio shared some dashcam footage of a close call with a crossing train, and it’s apparently happened more than once.
The driver, identified as Craig Doty II from Camden, Ohio, recently posted the footage on the Tesla Motors Club forum. In the video, his car approaches a railroad crossing with a train passing over it but doesn’t slow down. He veers off to the side at the last minute, hitting the lowered crossing arm before coming to a stop off of the road parallel to the tracks.
According to Doty, his Tesla was operating in Full Self-Driving (FSD) mode at the time. He also said this was the second time his car hadn’t stopped at an active train crossing while in FSD mode. He also refuted comments online that the car may have actually been in Autopilot, Tesla’s less sophisticated version of FSD: “This is not an attempt at ‘insurance fraud.’ It is very concerning to me that the FSD system has failed to recognize a train crossing twice.”
The driver, identified as Craig Doty II from Camden, Ohio, recently posted the footage on the Tesla Motors Club forum. In the video, his car approaches a railroad crossing with a train passing over it but doesn’t slow down. He veers off to the side at the last minute, hitting the lowered crossing arm before coming to a stop off of the road parallel to the tracks.