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Where did a Waymo robotaxi get stuck in front of VP Kamala Harris’ motorcade?

Answer: San Francisco.

A Waymo self-driving vehicle on a city street.
Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris arrived in San Francisco on Friday for what is likely her final visit to California before the November election. But as her motorcade made its way through the city, one of its infamous self-driving taxis caused a hiccup.

An autonomous Waymo vehicle got stuck while making a U-turn as the motorcade arrived at the Fairmont San Francisco, blocking its path. A San Francisco police officer had to get in the vehicle and manually drive it out of the way.

Waymo has not responded to requests for comment on what went wrong. This isn’t the first time one of its vehicles has acted unusually while attempting to navigate the city, with one entering the oncoming traffic lane earlier this year to avoid a potential collision.