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Where have people been loving a ChatGPT pizza?

Answer: Dubai.

Aerial view of an open pizza box on a table with one slice left in it.
With some trial and error, it turns out that ChatGPT can actually come up with a decent pizza recipe. The Dodo Pizza franchise in Dubai recently put the chatbot to the test to come up with a unique and delicious pizza, and it seems the bot delivered.

Dodo’s Head of Menu Development Spartak Arutyunyan was trying to come up with a pizza that would have something for all the diverse cultural palettes in Dubai. With a population of “Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, Arab people, and European guys,” it was a unique challenge, so he enlisted the help of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. While the full recipe isn’t available to the public, the resulting pizza contains shawarma chicken, Indian grilled paneer cheese, Middle Eastern Za’atar herbs and tahini cheese, among other ingredients.

And customers can’t get enough of it, according to the BBC. As a chef, Arutyunyan said he would never have considered mixing all the ingredients in this pizza, but it turns out they work together. That doesn’t mean every ChatGPT recipe is a success though. It gave Arutyunyan a number of other options that didn’t make the cut, with ingredients like pasta, strawberries, blueberries and breakfast cereal.