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Which online shopping giant will pay you $10 for your palm print biometrics?

Answer: Amazon.

With the Amazon One technology, customers have the option to enter the store by waving their hand over a palm scanner, after linking their handprint to a credit card. (Courtesy of Amazon)
Last year, Amazon launched biometric palm print scanners in some of its contactless stores. Now, it’s trying to incentivize more shoppers to use them. The e-commerce giant just announced a new promotional program in which users can get $10 in credit for handing over their palm print.

It’s very simple (almost too simple). Just sign up at checkout at any Amazon store that uses the scanners, and then you’ll get a welcome text to sign in or create an Amazon account. Then Amazon will send you your $10 credit, and your palm print will be stored in your account for future use.

The palm print scanner “captures the minute characteristics of your palm — both surface-area details like lines and ridges as well as subcutaneous features such as vein patterns — to create your palm signature,” which Amazon reportedly stores indefinitely or until you tell them to delete it.
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