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Which state now has some of the broadest right-to-repair laws?

Answer: Colorado.

A smartphone lying on the ground with a cracked screen. A person is kneeling over it and gesturing in distress.
Self-repairing electronics is going to get a lot easier in Colorado. The state recently passed legislation that expanded on its current right-to-repair laws and puts them among the broadest in the country.

HB24-1121, known as Consumer Right to Repair Digital Electronic Equipment, covers nearly all consumer electronics with a chip. This means manufacturers of such devices must make it easier for both consumers and independent repair businesses to obtain equipment necessary to make repairs themselves.

A few device types are not included, such as game consoles, medical devices, ATVs and motor vehicles. The new rules apply to all devices manufactured on or after July 1, 2021, and manufacturers have been given until Jan. 1, 2026, to comply.