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Why are people mad at Google Maps?

Answer: Its recent redesign is not a good look.

Closeup of the Google Maps app icon on a smartphone.
Lots of people love Google Maps, but at the moment things are trending the other way. Google recently released a redesigned interface for its popular mapping app, and users are taking to the Internet to express their displeasure.

This isn’t just your average user who is disgruntled by change, though. People, including UI/UX design professionals, have pointed out serious issues with the color choices in the new look that make it inaccessible for colorblind users. The new colors are not as vibrant and less varied, making it much more difficult for colorblind users to differentiate between different features.

One user who is colorblind, James Connolly, started a petition on requesting that Google change the colors back on behalf of colorblind users. “The recent changes Google has made to their Maps application have made it difficult for me and others like me to use this essential tool effectively. The new look is not colorblind-friendly, which is a major setback for those of us who rely on this service daily,” he said in the petition.
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