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Why are Taylor Swift fans good tippers on Lyft?

Answer: Because they’re happy when they get to see a Taylor Swift concert.

The Lyft logo in white font against a gradient pink background on the screen of a smartphone.
If you’re a Lyft driver in a city where Taylor Swift is performing, it seems you can expect to make good tips on those nights. According to the ride-share company’s CEO David Risher, Swifties are among the best tippers when they’re on the way to or from one of her concerts.

Risher said the company has noticed that people tend to tip more when they’re happy, “and if they’re singing a Taylor Swift song, I guarantee you they’re in a pretty good mood, and they’re more generous with their driver.”

It’s not just Taylor Swift though — in its 2023 full-year earnings report, Lyft also credited Beyoncé for increasing rides (and presumably tips as well). “Fans flocked to stadiums, with these rides growing by more than 35 percent year-over-year, driven by high-attendance stadium events including Taylor Swift and Beyoncé concerts,” the company said.
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