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DHS Announces Appointments to Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee

"This Committee will provide the Department with important recommendations on how to further the Department's mission while protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information of citizens and visitors of the United States"

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently announced the appointment of twenty members to the Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee (DHS Privacy Advisory Committee). This newest federal advisory committee to DHS was established to provide external expert advice to the Secretary and the Chief Privacy Officer on programmatic, policy, operational, and technological issues that affect privacy, data integrity, and data interoperability in DHS programs.

"This Committee will provide the Department with important recommendations on how to further the Department's mission while protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information of citizens and visitors of the United States," said Nuala O'Connor Kelly, the Chief Privacy Officer of the Department of Homeland Security. "The diversity of experience and perspectives represented by this Committee will play an important role in advancing the national discourse on privacy and homeland security."

The members of this Advisory Committee have diverse expertise in privacy, security, and emerging technology, and come from large and small companies, the academic community, and the non-profit sector. The members also reflect a depth of knowledge on issues of data protection, openness, technology, and national security. Members for the first term will serve staggered terms of two years, three years, or four years and all subsequent members will serve for a period of four years.

The notice to establish the Committee and request for applicants was published in the Federal Register on April 9, 2003. More than 129 applications were received. The applications were reviewed by the Privacy Office, and former Secretary Ridge accepted the recommendations of the Chief Privacy Officer. Future notices to serve on the Committee will be issued in advance of the expiration of terms to stabilize membership levels and to ensure continuing diversity of the privacy perspectives of the members.

Advisory Committee meetings will be held on a quarterly basis and will rotate from Washington, DC to forums in other parts of the United States. Information about meetings and recommendations to the Secretary and the Chief Privacy Officer will be available to the public, consistent with laws regarding classification and protection of information.

The first Privacy Advisory Committee meeting will be held on April 6, 2005 in Washington, DC. Additional information on upcoming events will be posted on the DHS Privacy Office Web site.

Nuala O'Connor Kelly, the Chief Privacy Officer for DHS, will serve as the Sponsor of the DHS Privacy Advisory Committee. Rebecca Richards, Director of Privacy Compliance, DHS Privacy Office, will serve as the Executive Director of the Privacy Advisory Committee.

Members appointed for the inaugural term of the DHS Privacy Advisory Committee are:

Joseph Alhadeff, Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer, Oracle Corporation, Washington, DC

Ramon Barquin, President, Barquin International, Bethesda, MD

J. Howard Beales, Associate Professor, The George Washington University, Arlington, VA

D. Reed Freeman, Chief Privacy Officer and Vice President, Claria Corporation, Arlington, VA

James W. Harper, Editor/Executive Director, & Director of Information Policy Studies, Cato Institute, Washington, DC

Kirk Herath, Chief Privacy Officer & Associate General Counsel, Nationwide, Columbus, OH

David A. Hoffman, Group Counsel and Director of Privacy, Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR

Lance Hoffman, Distinguished Research Professor, The George Washington University, Washington, DC

Tara Lemmey, Chief Executive Officer, Lens Ventures, San Francisco, CA

Joseph Leo, Vice President, SAIC, Vienna, VA

John Marsh, Distinguished Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law, Winchester, VA

Joanne McNabb, Chief, Office of Privacy Protection, California Department of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento, CA

Charles Palmer, Department Group Manager, Security, Networking & Privacy, IBM Corporation, Yorktown Heights, NY

Richard Purcell, Chief Executive Officer, Corporate Privacy Group, Nordland, WA

Paul Samuel Rosenzweig, Senior Legal Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC

John Thomas Sabo, Manager, Security, Privacy, and Trust Initiatives, Computer Associates, Herndon, VA

James Sheehan, General Counsel, Milton Hershey School, Hershey, PA

Lisa Sotto, Partner, Head of Regulatory Privacy & Information Management Practice Group, Hunton & Williams, New York, NY

Michael Turner, President and Senior Scholar, Information Policy Institute, New York, NY

Samuel Wright, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, Cendant Corporation, Washington, DC

Additional biographical information about the members of the Committee and information about the Committee are available from the DHS Privacy Office.
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