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How Secure is Your Cloud? (Infographic)

While cloud security is said to be getting easier, one study study looked at just how cloud security has progressed over the past two years.

Governments at all levels are beginning to move to the cloud at increasing rates.

In late February, for instance, the Illinois Department of Corrections announced that it will go live with the first part of its new cloud-based criminal justice information system in June. And late last year, Colorado moved to Gmail and Google Apps for Government last last year -- and was preceded by both Pittsburgh and Wyoming (among others). 

While cloud security is said to be getting easier, CA Technologies commissioned a study to see just how security in the cloud has progressed over the past two years. Here's a digestable version of what was found:


Infographic is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at

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