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Stories about state and local government using data and analytics capabilities to streamline operations, work more efficiently and provide public services as effectively as possible.

An executive order requiring telematics for NYC's fleet vehicles enabled better monitoring of driver habits like speed and seatbelt use, reducing crashes and improving safety citywide.
Plus, a new apprenticeship program will help bolster the broadband workforce, survivors of domestic violence can access support through the Lifeline program, and more.
One, in Red Oak, is a 480-megawatt data center campus on 292 acres. Construction is underway. A second, roughly $1 billion data center project on 60 acres near the Bush Turnpike got city economic incentives last week.
Responses from 46 states show a big challenge for government in the AI era: many focus on data analysis and business intelligence while neglecting elements such as metadata management, master data and data stewardship.
From housing to homelessness, state officials want to hear from vendors of generative artificial intelligence for ideas on confronting some significant issues. A large language model showcase is set for later this month.
A guide from the Data Foundation is intended to be a comprehensive resource for policymakers, with guidance to support improved data governance amid the rise of artificial intelligence technology.
The University of Maryland Extension in Frederick, Md., is looking to expand practical research into cover crops with the goal of better understanding how farmers learn from each other.
To combat evolving fire risks more efficiently, a federal fire agency is developing an emergency response system that uses data to inform action. In California, a new online map makes Clean Air Centers information more accessible.
IT officials in Massachusetts and Nevada discussed their plans to do more with data, filling leadership roles, building integrated data systems and enhancing security. Work is already underway.
Denver-based Vantage Data Centers plans to construct two large warehouses stuffed with computer servers near Atlanta in the city of South Fulton, according to recently filed state paperwork.