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The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, in partnership with Cubic Transportation Systems, will introduce new contactless tap-to-ride technology, where riders tap a credit card or digital wallet to pay transit fares.
The university’s dean of arts and sciences sparked controversy last week by listing artificial intelligence among strategies faculty could use to handle course discussions and labs impacted by striking grad students.
Building an AI program is a daunting proposition, but government has to start somewhere. From strengthening cybersecurity to improving 311, a handful of early adopters are finding safe and practical uses.
We run down a list of some of the government actions taking place for the week. Plus, Kansas releases its broadband digital equity plan for public comment, and a research program seeks to advance health equity.
Eight companies that make deliveries to and from the neighborhood will be participating in the Boston Delivers pilot program, which centers on delivering packages via electric cargo bikes instead of cars or trucks.
The Smart Surfaces Coalition will focus on leveraging data analysis through advanced mapping techniques, while helping equip residents with tech solutions like reflective and green roofs, solar energy tools and porous pavements.
Existing data gaps related to the needs of the LGBTQ+ community must be understood and addressed in order for government agencies to equitably serve the needs of constituents regardless of identity.
The city, with the help of a $4 million grant, is looking to establish a new workforce initiative designed to train and get 1,000 Boston residents hired into the life sciences industry by 2025.
Does your local government need a stance on generative AI? Boston encourages staff’s “responsible experimentation,” Seattle’s interim policy outlines cautions, and King County begins considering what responsible generative AI use might be.
Planning to convert its entire bus fleet to electric by 2030, Boston Public Schools this month will put 20 new electric buses on the roads and collect data on route efficiency, operations and climate and health effects.