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Colorado Springs

AskCOS, the city of Colorado Springs’ new artificial intelligence-enabled chatbot, was trained using Colorado city government information alone. The virtual assistant can answer constituent questions in 71 languages.
The Colorado Springs City Council on Tuesday authorized the Police Department to implement a new camera program that will catch and fine drivers exceeding posted speed limits in certain areas.
The Colorado State Board of Education approved an innovation zone to accommodate the Colorado Springs School of Technology, with planned courses in cybersecurity, AI, apps and games, robotics and computers.
Drivers exceeding speed limits in Colorado Springs could be caught on camera if the city implements a new system that uses radar technology to track and identify speeders.
Colorado Springs District 11 is in talks with local colleges, industries and governments to create an innovation zone to offer specialized curriculum in aerospace, defense, cybersecurity, information and space technology.
New funding and a partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy is giving six communities across the country new resources in the push to expand their use of renewable energy technology.
The Special Operations Unit will consist of three-person teams working across three eight-hour shifts that will be staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, according to department officials.
Plus, philanthropists have launched a new effort to support women in the digital economy, New York City has announced a new Gigabit Center on Staten Island, and more.
The city of Colorado Springs is installing 26 sensors in the downtown corridor as part of a program to collect foot and vehicle traffic data. The sensors detect and categorize moving objects but do not collect personally identifiable information.
Existing projects include the pilot streetlight program, during which lights were outfitted with sensors to collect weather and ozone data, and equipping trash cans with sensors that can notify staff when they get full.