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Federal Government

The bus maker will receive the money under the Domestic Auto Manufacturing Conversion Grants program plan, which aims to spur U.S. production of electric, hydrogen or hybrid vehicles. It will convert a factory to produce the buses.
A Department of Veterans Affairs account with Microsoft was infiltrated this year by Russian hackers, though the agency reported no personal information or sensitive data of any veterans was accessed.
Nearly 160 software companies have now signed CISA’s voluntary Secure by Design Pledge, which is a promise to work on seven key goals that could better protect their customers from hackers.
The Department of Homeland Security's Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program is set to send the money to 32 tribal nations, aiming to help strengthen cybersecurity postures against rising threats.
As the federal government moves forward on assessing and using artificial intelligence technologies, three partners are working to ensure people with disabilities are engaged throughout the process.
The money from the U.S. Department of Transportation will enable a fleet of more than 20 buses at Acadia National Park to move off propane and get electrified. Replacement is estimated to take three to four years.
A bipartisan bill now under consideration would require each federal agency to create a chief artificial intelligence officer position. The measure would also require systems be graded on risk, from low risk to unacceptable.
The federal oversight agency has launched its first cohort focused on artificial intelligence for its Presidential Innovation Fellows program, aiming to create a talent pipeline for AI in government.
In a new lawsuit, two U.S. government agencies have accused Adobe of making it very hard for users to cancel Adobe subscriptions, which also contained hidden or obscured fees.
The company CEO acknowledged mistakes and said it was now making cybersecurity part of all employees’ responsibilities. Some legislators were skeptical and questioned how to create a more secure landscape overall.