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Health and Human Services

Stories about technology to enable and improve the how state and local government delivers health and human services programs like housing, vaccines, telehealth, child and family services and mental health assistance.

Nine groups including teachers and parents across Maine have joined forces to convince schools to ban cellphone use during the day, and parents to adopt new norms around how often their kids can access devices.
The New York State Office for the Aging is giving older adults more options to connect with each another and the world by providing them with a variety of technologies — and the skills they need to use them.
As the California legislature works on a bill to restrict cellphone usage in classrooms, school administrators who have seen kids addicted to their phones at young ages are open to the idea and hope it provides guidance.
Many Bay Area school districts already restrict cellphone use in schools but allow students to use their phones during non-instructional time. Students and staff have mixed opinions on the idea of a statewide policy.
Illinois has partnered with Google to launch a groundbreaking portal, aiming to streamline access to youth mental health services and break down agency silos. A project leader shared with Government Technology what they’ve learned in the process.
Teachers and administrators are finding it increasingly difficult to get students to focus in class, and a district-wide policy for collecting phones would avoid putting the onus on teachers to confront defiant students.
Central Oregon Pathology Consultants has a backlog of at least 18,000 claims and its billing system has been down since Feb. 21. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden said the cyber attack’s aftermath is one of his most important issues.
Legislation expanding access to telemedicine in Pennsylvania received final Senate approval and is now set to be signed into law by Gov. Josh Shapiro, Sen. Lisa Baker said Thursday.
The application, DROPS, or Direct Resource Outreach and Placement Service, enables city staff to create and track digitized case files. It’s intended to streamline access to resources and avoid disconnections in the process.
Timing and cost are not yet clear, but the state is seeking bids from vendors to harness artificial intelligence to translate a range of documents and websites around “health and social services information, programs, benefits and services.”