The process is well underway in the state, with just three agencies remaining to be consolidated. The undertaking will support other advances in state technology, in areas including artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.
Two January appointments in the Idaho Office of Information Technology Services will help enable the state to better deliver technology services and prepare for future consolidation plans.
The Idaho Department of Correction has significantly improved document management processes by utilizing Laserfiche to enable digitization and the automation of administrative tasks. This, in turn, has enhanced communication and facilitated field work.
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One official in Idaho recently argued yes, voicing concern about the installation of such cameras — even for a one-year pilot — because he said it opened the door to government overreach.
Ada County, Idaho, has launched a tool that lets the public view ballot images and cast vote records, using it for new local elections for the first time in May. Now, other counties might also adopt it.
The Ada County Sheriff’s Office spotted “unusual activity” and “proactively” deactivated computer-aided dispatch. Officials are working with third-party cybersecurity and data forensics consultants to investigate.
The tool, which is called the Ballot Verifier, will give its users free and direct access to every ballot cast in Ada County, Idaho, since 2022, said the Ada County Clerk’s Office in April.
Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare’s Project Filter applauds the use of technology for intervention measures, but implores school leaders to provide alternatives to suspension and address teen nicotine addiction.
President and director of the Project on Predatory Student Lending says the for-profit online university will hurt the reputation of Idaho’s flagship university and bring legal and financial risk to the state.
For proponents, the new software has been a $102 million lift that brings better security, record-keeping and management to the state, making Idaho one of the first states to implement a fully cloud-based system.
The Latah County commissioners signed a resolution Tuesday giving jurisdictions across the area there new power to move forward with a large-scale broadband infrastructure project.
Information Technology Services Administrator Alberto Gonzalez joined the relatively new agency a little more than a year ago and quickly set his focus on building a stronger foundation to support agencies across the state.
Idaho County took a step forward with the broadband project between Grangeville and Orofino with an $11.5 million fiber-optic conduit grant from the Idaho Broadband Advisory Board. A $14.5 million grant was awarded in November.
The Nampa City Council authorized the department to buy nearly $79,000 worth of technology from Cellebrite, a company that sells tools to unlock phones and obtain their data for police and government agencies.
As school districts see a rise in the use of artificial intelligence, educators say they’re figuring out ways to ensure the new tools are being used responsibly and don’t impede student learning.
A hacker accessed personally identifying information by exploiting a vulnerability in third-party file-transfer software used by the National Student Clearinghouse and Teachers Insurance Annuity Association of America.
The cameras are relatively cheap, with the best costing almost $2,000, but storage costs add up. There are requirements to have redundancy and in addition, rules require some of the data to be stored for 100 years.
The exhibition came about through a partnership between community colleges and universities across the state to share simulations, senior projects and opportunities in cybersecurity with current and prospective students.
State financial systems that are user-friendly and save money are going to get good reviews from taxpayers. In Idaho, New Hampshire and Wisconsin, revenue agencies have worked to update systems on time and under budget.
Following Idaho Gov. Brad Little's ban of TikTok on state-owned devices and networks, the state's colleges and universities are deleting their accounts and blocking access to the app on campus Wi-Fi networks.
The Latah County Broadband Coalition is hoping that people in that area will participate in this effort so the county can qualify for more funding to bring broadband Internet to rural households.
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