“I think my time in the private sector gives me a different perspective in this tour of duty in public service,” MacMillan said, “and I’m really looking forward to having an impact when it comes to optimizing our programs.”
One of his first orders of business has been to update and streamline the IT organization’s strategic focus — and MacMillan is quick to emphasize that it’s a strategic focus, not a plan. Once the focus areas are identified, they’ll be turned into a plan.
“I’m a big believer in project management tools and techniques,” he said. “So one of the things that we’re working on here is driving a measurement-oriented organization, so that we can demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiencies of our programs.”
MacMillan also would like to see all levels of government optimize the way they work together so that funding can be redirected into programs that serve citizens. Areas ripe for leveraging investments made at the federal, state and local levels include health and human services, law enforcement and education. And that’s the legacy he hopes to leave as Pennsylvania’s IT chief: “New levels of cooperation is what I’m looking to achieve.”