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Linking In: CIOs, CISOs and More Gov Tech Job Moves of 2021

All year, we track chief information officers, data officers, security officers and more as they move in and out of government agencies at states, counties and cities across the country. Here's our 2021 roundup.

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Each year, we track public-sector IT leaders as they take on new roles, move to private-sector positions and tackle the high-tech problems of serving citizens. After the tumult of 2020, 2021 saw a pivot toward something resembling business as usual, and CIOs, CISOs, data officers and more were there to keep moving government forward.


Longtime Utah CIO Mike Hussey retired from state service as newly elected Gov. Spencer Cox took office. In March, Alan Fuller was appointed to replace Hussey as CIO and the head of the Division of Technology Services.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria named Kirby Brady as the city’s first chief innovation officer, in addition to her work as director of the Performance and Analytics Department.

After eight years, Bill Greeves left his post as CIO of Wake County, N.C., to join software company SAP.

New York City Chief Analytics Officer Kelly Jin announced her departure from the role to take a position as vice president for community and national initiatives at the Knight Foundation.

Vitaliy Panych was named California chief information security officer after serving in the role in an acting capacity for two years.

Michigan named Laura Clark state chief security officer, and in October Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced she would also serve as state CIO following Brom Stibitz’s departure for the private sector. Clark had worked as interim CSO since Chris DeRusha left to head cybersecurity for the Biden-Harris presidential campaign in 2020. DeRusha was in January named CISO of the federal Office of Management and Budget under the new Biden administration.


A veteran of the federal government, Antonio Sean Martinez was selected as executive director of the Colorado Broadband Office, succeeding Anthony Neal-Graves, the state’s current CIO.

Washington CIO James Weaver left his role with that state to head up the North Carolina Department of Information Technology as chief information officer and secretary.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced two tech appointments, naming Liana Bailey-Crimmins California’s chief technology officer and Richard Klau the state chief technology innovation officer.


Digital services chief for San Rafael, Calif., Rebecca Woodbury left city service to start her own consultancy, called Department of Civic Things, aiming to continue her work with local governments.

President Biden chose Clare Martorana, who most recently served as CIO of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, as federal CIO and administrator for the Office of Electronic Government and Information Technology for the Office of Management and Budget.

Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte appointed Kevin Gilbertson, a private-sector tech leader, as the state’s new CIO following Tim Bottenfield’s retirement at the end of 2020.


Adita Karkera stepped down as Arkansas deputy chief data officer to take a role with Deloitte after 20 years with the state.

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott named Jason Hardebeck as the city’s first director of broadband and digital equity, and Justin Elszasz to the post of chief data officer.

Gov. Doug Ducey shifted Arizona’s IT structure so that CISO Tim Roemer now serves as director of the state’s Department of Homeland Security, bringing with him his responsibilities for managing cybersecurity efforts.

After eight years with the Colorado Springs, Colo., Information Technology Department, Mary Weeks was named the city’s new CIO.

Following the retirement of Angel Petisco in February, Margaret Brisbane was named CIO of Miami-Dade County, the most populous county in Florida.


Austin, Texas, named Christopher Stewart its new CIO, a role he’d held in an interim capacity since longtime IT chief Stephen Elkins retired in 2020.

Matthew Arvay stepped down as Phoenix CIO to take a position in the private sector and was replaced first in an acting capacity and then permanently in September by Steen Hambric, who had been assistant CIO since 2017.

Following a high-profile data leak in the Wyoming Health Department, state CIO Gordon Knopp resigned his position. He was temporarily replaced by State Information Services Administrator Timothy Sheehan.

Alaska CISO Mark Breunig left the state to take a role as a cybersecurity adviser for the federal Department of Homeland Security. Grady Treston took over the post in an interim capacity.

Jason Hebbe was named Pennsylvania chief technology officer following the departure of former CTO Sean Crager, who moved to the private sector.

After eight years as CIO and director of the Information Services Department (ISD) for San Mateo County, Calif., Jon Walton stepped down from the position. Assistant CIO Michael Wentworth took over as interim ISD director.


Two years after taking over as Ohio CIO, Ervan Rodgers announced his move to the private sector. Katrina Flory, who had been deputy CIO since 2011, was named as his replacement.

Maria Thompson, North Carolina’s first chief risk officer, left the state’s Department of Information Technology for a position with AWS. She was replaced in November by Rob Main.

Evanston, Ill., CIO Luke Stowe was appointed as the city’s new administrative services director, in addition to his work heading the IT department.

Former Ohio Department of Job and Family Services CIO Jason Sankey was named CIO of Atlanta, replacing Tye Hayes, who had been serving in an interim capacity since late 2020.

Los Angeles County CIO Bill Kehoe was appointed to head Washington IT following James Weaver’s departure in February.

Calvin Rhodes stepped down as Georgia CIO after a decade in the role. He was replaced by Shawnzia Thomas, a 13-year veteran of state service.

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox named Rich Saunders, executive director of the Department of Health, to be the state’s first chief innovation officer.

Los Angeles Chief Innovation Officer Amanda Daflos left city service to become executive director of the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University.

Andrew “Pete” Peterson left his post as chief information technology officer of Oakland, Calif., to join executive search firm Riviera Partners.

Wayne County, Mich., CIO Carlos Perez left the county government after nearly five years. Hector Roman replaced him as interim CIO.

Following a 22-year career with the city’s tech department, Lynchburg, Va., CIO Terry Hutchens retired.


Longtime Detroit CIO Beth Niblock left city service to serve as CIO for the Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Biden administration. Mayor Mike Duggan appointed Art Thompson as her replacement.

Delaware CIO Jason Clarke announced Aleine Cohen will serve alongside him as the state’s first deputy chief information officer.

Saad Bashir stepped down as Seattle CTO after two years in the role. The position was filled by interim CTO Jim Loter, who anticipated that the city’s next mayor would select a permanent replacement.

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox appointed Christopher Bramwell as the state’s first privacy officer, part of the Department of Government Operations.

John Salazar stepped down as New Mexico CIO. In September, he was replaced in an acting capacity by Raja Sambandam, who most recently served as chief risk and security officer for the state’s Taxation and Revenue Department.


Deborah Blyth left her position as Colorado chief information security officer to take a role with private-sector firm CrowdStrike. The state’s chief customer officer, William Chumley, was named interim CISO.

San Jose, Calif., hired two deputies, Eddie Kim and Ying Chan, to serve under CIO Rob Lloyd.


Karina Ricks, head of the Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, left the city for a role as associate administrator for research, innovation and demonstration at the Federal Transit Administration.

The Georgia Technology Authority added to its C-suite with new Chief Cloud Officer Dmitry Kagansky, who came to state government from Amazon Web Services.

Former Wisconsin Department of Health Services CISO Shane Dwyer was named to the same position for the state of Iowa. He replaced Jeff Franklin, who left in 2020.

Cordell Schachter, formerly CTO of the New York City Department of Transportation, moved to the federal level to become CIO for the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Phoenix appointed its first chief innovation officer, Michael Hammett, who had been with the city since 2006.

Kevin Ford stepped down as North Dakota chief information security officer to take the CISO role with Esri. He was replaced by Michael Gregg, North Dakota IT’s director of cyber operations, in November.


North Carolina Chief Data Officer John Correllus retired after six years with state IT, and was replaced by interim CDO Carol Burroughs.

Daniel Dister left his post as New Hampshire’s CISO to work for the Biden administration’s Office of Management and Budget. CIO Denis Goulet took over the role in addition to his existing duties until the position is permanently filled.

Iowa CIO Annette Dunn resigned from her post to take a position in the private sector.

CISO Stephen Meyer, who had been with the state of Missouri for nearly 21 years, announced his departure for a role with private-sector firm World Wide Technology.

Clark County, Nev., CIO Nadia Hansen left her post to take a role in the private sector.


Ravi Krishnan was named North Dakota’s second-ever chief data officer, replacing Dorman Bazzell.

Sunny Hwang took the reins as CIO of New Hanover County, N.C., after his predecessor, Leslie Chaney, announced her retirement after 17 years.

Little Rock, Ark.’s first performance and innovation officer, Melissa Bridges, left the city to join software company Socrata.